2023 Open Atom Global Open Source Summit CARSMOS Open Source Intelligent Mobility Ecological Annual Conference ended successfully

on 12 June 2023

On June 12th, the 2023 Open Atom Global Open Source Summit CARSMOS Open Source Smart Mobility Ecological Year was hosted by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation and undertaken by the CARSMOS Yuanao Open Source Intelligent Mobility Project Team. will be successfully held. Against the background of the explosion of autonomous driving and smart travel, this forum brings together a number of experts and scholars from the supply chain, industry-university-research circles, and corporate executives to share their latest theories, technologies and practical application results of open source technology in the field of smart travel. Discuss how to promote open source technologies in smart travel in colleges and universities, use the open source platform model to gather forces from industry, academia and research circles, and accelerate the development of autonomous driving and smart travel technologies and the landing of commercial products. Liu Jingjuan, deputy secretary-general of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, attended and delivered a speech.

Liu Jingjuan said that open source will give the ability to effectively build a large and complex smart car software technology system, provide more possibilities for solving the supply chain security and technical route selection problems faced by the smart car industry, and will accelerate autonomous driving and smart travel. standardization process in the field. The foundation will fully empower the CARSMOS project, make the CARSMOS project bigger and stronger, and promote ecological prosperity. The foundation will inject strong impetus into the CARSMOS project by supporting development, promoting applications, providing technical reviews, and promoting community building.

Liu Jingjuan, deputy secretary-general of the Open Atom Open Source Foundation

Professor ZijiangJamesYang, the founder of Convince Science and Technology Innovation, the chairman of the CARSMOS Preparatory Working Group, the director of the Turing Interdisciplinary Information Science Research Center of Xi’an Jiaotong University, took the lead in introducing the open source trend in smart travel. specific preaching. He said that this competition will cultivate more talents who are interested in autonomous driving, and hopes that more people from universities and enterprises can participate.

ZijiangJamesYang, the founder of Kechuang, the chairman of the CARSMOS preparatory working group, the director and professor of the Turing Interdisciplinary Information Science Research Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Zhou Minghui, professor of Peking University and deputy director of the CCF Open Source Committee, shared his thoughts on building an open source system integrating industrial research. In the context of the shortage of open source talents and the lack of open source education, he believes that an industry-university-research ecosystem should be built from different perspectives such as open source projects, academic organizations, and university teachers. He also specifically introduced how Peking University’s CS undergraduate course develops open source courses with the open source model.

Zhou Minghui, Professor of Peking University/Deputy Director of CCF Open Source Committee

After the speeches of two university scholars, Han Sanchu, Chief Software Architect of Changan Automobile and CTO of Changan Technology, discussed the ecology and opportunities of smart travel from the perspective of the industry. He believes that technological innovation is the core driving force of industrial transformation, and efforts should be made to promote three major technological innovations: centralized electrical and electronic architecture, service-oriented software architecture, and standardized and abstracted hardware architecture.

Han Sanchu, Chief Software Architect of Changan Automobile and CTO of Changan Technology

Subsequently, Shang Jin, CEO and CTO of China Automobile Intelligent Control, introduced the intelligent driving car control operating system in detail, and pointed out the development trend of intelligent networked vehicles with hardware convergence, software definition, and data-driven.

Shang Jin, CEO and CTO of China Automobile Intelligent Control

Sun Dong, Chairman of IEEE Autonomous Driving Standards Group and Vice President of Futurewei Technology, explained the current status of international standards for autonomous driving (automobiles) and open source work, and future-oriented autonomous driving (automotive) systemization based on unified standards. He also explained some of the work in progress at a technical level.

Dong Sun, Chairman of IEEE Autonomous Driving Standards Group and Vice President of Technology at Futurewei

Pan Yuxi, Chief Technology Officer of SYNKROTRON™ Oasis, an open-source autonomous driving simulation system, introduced the advantages and closed-loop data from the perspective of the necessity of autonomous driving simulation and market pain points. He said that this system will bring more diverse solutions to the industry.

Convince Pan Yuxi, Chief Technology Officer and CTO of Kechuang

He Yong from Futurewei Technologies proposed that the DORA project provides another more modern platform choice for the software development of smart cars based on the problems of the highly applied ROS system. At the same time, it also provides a technical route for upgrading, replacing and surpassing ROS/ROS2.

Futurewei Technologies Yong He

Teng Zhaozhi, head of the technical ecology of the OpenSDV Alliance, believed in his speech that software is becoming the core competition point of the automotive industry. OpenSDV, as an open source and open international professional open source organization, promotes industry-university-research collaboration, and has a relatively complete organizational structure and an operating model centered on collaboration. He also introduced the next work plan of OpenSDV.

Teng Zhaozhi, Head of Technology Ecology of OpenSDV Alliance

Xu Kuangyi, the founder of Jiangsu Posa Technology Co., Ltd. and a foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering, shared relevant content on the topic of “Next Generation Automotive Electronic Architecture and Vehicle Hardware Platform”. Platformization, the electronic architecture and hardware platform are still divided into hardware modules by function.

Xu Kuangyi, founder of Jiangsu Posa Technology Co., Ltd. and foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering

Open Motors CEO Liu, Tin Hang presented their pioneering vision for an open-source electric vehicle (EV) platform and battery swapping technology. Through specific technology sharing, he pointed out that actively embracing open source principles can jointly promote the development of the electric vehicle industry and ensure improved efficiency, sustainability and customer satisfaction.

Open Motors CEO Liu,Tin Hang

Li Weijun, executive director of the CARSMOS working group, focused on introducing CARSMOS, including multiple dimensions such as open source protocols, governance structure, and ecological development. He said that he would put one of the focus of his work on the education and popularization of the field of intelligent driving, and fully support the college student activities such as the school source trip and the open source algorithm competition organized by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation.

Li Weijun, Executive Director of CARSMOS Working Group

Zhu Yue, solution director of Shenzhen Kaihong Transportation BG, shared the application practice of Shenkaihong in the field of transportation based on OpenHarmony. He introduced the full-stack solution of KaihongOS base + super device management platform in detail, and shared this solution with vivid images Specific applications in the industry.

Zhu Yue, Solution Director of Shenkaihong Transportation BG

Under the leadership of the Open Atom Foundation, the establishment of CARSMOS, an open source smart travel project group and community, has effectively promoted the alliance and cooperation of all parties in the industry, academia and research in algorithms and data flywheels, and created a top-level open data set, which has further contributed to my country’s smart travel industry. development and progress played a positive role. This CARSMOS Open Source Smart Travel Ecological Annual Conference created an “annual feast” for the “circle of friends” in the field of smart travel. By accurately targeting new technologies and industrial opportunities in the field of smart travel, it will promote the industry to gather more positive consensus, and Promote the field of intelligent travel to a “new level”.

Group photo of lecturers at CARSMOS Open Source Smart Travel Ecology Annual Conference